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With over twenty years specialising in probate and trusts, I bring relevant experience to my clients.

JANET O'BYRNE - Principal

Janet O'Byrne has worked in financial Services for over 20 years and has specialised in probate and trusts since 2002. She is a member of the Society of Trust & Estates Practioner (STEP) and a registered stockbroker, which gives her a unique insight into the financial world and the legal world specific to the administration of shares in estates and trusts.

While at Bloxham Stockbrokers she was head of the Probate Department, a department that she built up over a ten year period.

She has lectured at Stephenson Burns conferences and the for the Law Society and the Dublin Solicitors Bar Association and has work with the Institution of Bankers on their Probate modules and given CPD lectures to various stockbroking firms on the subject.